What is Orgone

Dr. Wilhelm Reich identified an energy, which he called Orgone and discovered it could be measured, accumulated and used to aid healing as well as effect weather patterns. Reich built Orgone Accumulators using alternating layers of organic and inorganic sheets. The organic material used was fibreglass sheets, the inorganic material used were sheets of steel wool. Both these materials are made up of many fine particulate layers. The Orgone Accumulator and how it is constructed lead to the birth of what we now know as Orgonite.

Orgonite® is a word that was invented by Karl Hans Welz for a material he made as a variation on the technology of Wilhelm Reich. Welz did not patent the material and has in fact not done so to allow us all to freely make this wonderful material.
It is unclear who started to add Quartz crystals when making Orgonite, Don Croft and his partner Carol Croft or Welz but the addition of Quartz crystals enables the Orgonite to transmute negative forms of energy into positive Orgone, or as Reich would put it convert DOR or Dead(ly) Orgone into POR or Positive Orgone.
Orgonite® is simply a combination of many metal particles suspended in a resin matrix. Because there are often many metal particles the energy flow within Orgonite® tends to be very dynamic making it pretty powerful. In essence the more layers the more powerful the Orgone, by using fine metal powders and powdered crystals in a mixture the surface area of the Orgonite is increased, the same way in which a carbon air filter works, lots of little particles creating a large surface area.

Another factor when using Quartz crystals is Piezoelectricity. This comes into effect when placing Quartz crystals in resin as the resin is squeezing the crystal and this will cause the piezoelectric effect which is the appearance of an electrical potential (a voltage, in other words) across the sides of a crystal when you subject it to mechanical stress (by squeezing it).
In practice, the crystal becomes a kind of tiny battery with a positive charge on one face and a negative charge on the opposite face; current flows if we connect the two faces together to make a circuit.This energy will never be exhausted. In the reverse piezoelectric effect, a crystal becomes mechanically stressed (deformed in shape) when a voltage is applied across its opposite faces.
Spirit Science – Talks Orgone
The piezoelectric effect works because of the movement of atoms in the crystal’s molecules. All piezoelectric compounds are made of ions, atoms that have either gained or lost electrons and hence accumulated electric charge. Piezoelectric crystals are composed of positive and negative ions in an alternating fashion. Tension, or pulling, and compression, or squeezing, push and pull these positive and negative ions away from each other, creating an energy gradient across the crystal and allowing an electric current to flow.
This is how Orgone can be seen as a scalar device due to the Piezoelectricity and the magnetic field produced.